Meet us

deuxdilettantes is the fruit of a collaboration between two friends living in Seattle who want to better connect to their environment. We’re hoping to highlight some of Seattle’s finest, whether it’s your local baker, oyster shucker or undiscovered art gallery. You may notice a French “flair” as we are a francophone (Bee) and a francophile (Em).


As mentioned, this is a collaborative effort: sometimes we’ll post individually, sometimes together. Either way, we hope you enjoy our creative spirit, cheer our successes and support our failures. If you think it sounds very much like marital vows, you are completely right. We’re talking commitment here, a commitment to you and ourselves.

You can follow us on Twitter. Don’t be shy! We’d love to hear from you.

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Bee. French (pardon my English). Cheese and Wine lover. Adds cardamom syrup to her latte. Thought she would change the world, decided to start with her kitchen. Trying to figure it out.

Proust wants to know…

What is your motto? Play it by ear.

What is your idea of perfect happiness? Never have to worry about anything again.

What is your favorite food and drink? I love cheese and could just make a whole meal of it… with a good glass of wine. But since my husband is into cocktail making, maybe I should answer, any drinks he makes (with a preference for the corpse reviver #2!).

What is your favorite occupation? Walking around while listening to my favorite tunes… the best way to disconnect from the madness and reconnect to my inner self.

What is your current state of mind? Not far from exhaustion. It’s almost midnight and I just spent 3 hours “playing” with Photoshop. Need a break… or my bed!

EmEm. Often found in the kitchen baking after midnight. Addicted to hip hop yoga. Can’t live without a jar of La Mer Moisturizing Cream. Thankful for my parents and brothers because they are tops.

Proust wants to know…

What is your favorite occupation? To love and be loved.

What do you most value in friends? Honesty and loyalty.

What is your most marked characteristic? I wear my heart on my sleeve.

What is your idea of perfect happiness? Strolling the streets on a warm summer night with my husband and our pup.

What is your current state of mind? Calm.

All content on this website is copyright protected, and cannot be used without our permission. If you would like to request permission, please contact us: deuxdilettantes {at} gmail {dot} com


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